Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Destination Fleet(s)

Several people have suggested possible fleet homes for us "exiles".
Feel free to post such suggestions as comments. Include information such as current fleet size, tier level, command structure, and any other information or opinions.

Please include your STO identity or handle if possible. Thanks again!

Federation Fleet

KDF Fleet

Reference/Name Tier Info/Memo


  1. We should also have column for requirement for access to fleet provisioning. There are some fleets that set the bar unreasonably high, and of course the easier the better, though most of use have a lot of resources to quickly boost our credit if the projects come up.

    Also a place to say who our contact is for that fleet if it's a fleet where we don't personally know the leader.

  2. I would suggest the 5th Armada as a possible fleet to join if you're intersted :)

  3. some one i know would be happy to take us in they have just starting T3 embassy, and for base is 2/3 through T4
    it is called
    Sinfully Sexy

  4. Don't know if I approve of the name.... Is it KDF or Fed?

  5. So I just scouted out Klingon Intelligence.

    The good: full tier IV with completed embassy, easy access to provisions, well stocked, Federation affiliate and chat channel, leader is an anglophone, vent server.

    The bad: while the roster is nearly full, half of them are inactive, leader has himself at second rank as well, so if he disappears, no one can take over, high ranked officers do not have any power, much of contributions from only 2 people, does not seem to take too much of an interest in player development, no website.

    1. Hi everyone, I haven't seen anyone for quite some time... I don't even know if this is the right place to post this, so here it goes...

      Salat told me what happened and I told him the same thing I said back when I left DSTF... Starfleet's Lost Girls had and STILL has its doors opened for everyone that leaves DSTF in case the same thing happens again (which it did... Costa's rule ftw btw things happened as I told Salat it would.)...

      ... Anyway, Lost Girls isn't as developed as one would expect especially when pretty much everyone preffers to land their asses on a fleet that has everything unlocked already for the sake of getting the technology first than their neighbor player... We almost have Tier 4 Engineering at the sacrifice of everything else so the rest is pretty much at Tier 1 (7 players pushing it forward is tricky as it is)...

      ... We still have no website and I'm not planning on getting one, so don't bother making and putting one online just because you feel its necessary to have a website... We have no Fleet Events because the 7 players are on different timezones...

      Guarranteed good point about it? There is absolutely NO Costa and I'm not taking care of Lost Girls with an iron fist. I'm doing it exactly as I was doing before in DSTF while Costa was in one of his... long absence...

      PS: As Garrett probably felt on his skin (manner of speaking), the end result with me was exactly the same with Garrett so the same thing repeated itself, as I told Salat it would... And DSTF went downhill as I told him it would...

    2. Greetings,

      I am a recruiter for Tides of War, we have a healty starbase, Fed and KDF fleets, Teamspeak3 voice comms server and forums, along with a gaming guild for resources. We've been in operation for many years, so we are very stable. We are always looking out for new members; we require 18 yrs old and up, mature and family friendly on voice comms, we do most everything group-wise through voice comms. We are majority English speaking, USA / Canadian time zones.

      We don't allow members to be in different fleets at the same time, so you'd have to join all your characters to our fleets Fed and KDF. There is a 30 day trial period, just to make sure the member is mature and can conduct them selves well on voice comms. We don't have restrictive access to our fleet store, we do require that you be an active and in good standing for your first 30 days in the fleet, contribute some to the starbase (goes with activity) and after that, if you want anything from the SB, just ask an officer, we'll open it up for you when you are ready to get what you need. It's very easy vs. other fleets I have been in.

      If this sounds like what you are looking for, let's talk more. You can see our forums at

      You are welcome to stop by our TS3 Voice comms at and try to speak with Maurafey, Tbar, or Meghan about membership.



  6. KI's website problem could be easily fixed! ;)

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. hello

      this email from Taskforce Echo to tell you about their fleet mark has told them what happen to us and we are looking for a new home.

      they have fed and Klingon side

      (the Klingon is all new as they were grouped up with another fleet and did not have any say in it, mark side he does not like how the Klingon side works so they opened the a klingon fleet of their own).
      The fed side is tier 2 embassy, and for starbase is T3 very soon.
      The klingon just stared.

      here is the email for the fleet;

      hello everybody ,

      Let me kick off with introducing myself. I am thomas from Taskforce Echo , i am in charge of Personel and i am glad i am given the oppertunity to tell you about our fleet and how we got into contact with mark.

      Mark told me that in the fleet he just left there were some elements that were disturbing to him and others , to an extend he wished to leave and find a diffirent fleet to call home. We met on earth space dock here we were recruiting for our fleet and we got talking about STO and fleets in general. Mark then joined our fleet and as always we try to talk to any new recruit trying to make them feel welcome in our fleet. Then we learned about his previous experiences with fleets and we took his remarks to our fleet council.

      We were happy to learn that mark mentioned there are other players out there who might be in need of a fleet to call their home. That is how we see Taskforce Echo, a place where we can relax , unwind and have a good time.

      Mark told us about certain issues that arrose in his old fleet and i can say we have no similar structure as we firmly believe in a democracy , a fleet is only as strong as its weakest link. With that belief mark ask for his family and others into our fleet and we are happy to have them but as you all know building a fleet is a lot of work. The more people we have to run fleet marks , and other events the faster we progress and the more items people can purchase at our starbases.

      We are not a fleet who seeks people to contribute and then piss off , no we are looking for people who will play with us , have a good time and a laugh or 2-3 or even more. We do use teamspeak but the conversations are relaxed and generaly quite amusing

      We do believe in honest rewards for those who do choose to contribute and dont limit on what people can buy from our fleet stores , if you donate you are more then welcome to take advantage of whatever you helped contruct. All we ask is that you donate atleast 100k to begin with so we dont get stuck with people who raid our provisions , sadly somethimes this is case.

      So to finish it all off , if you are looking for a fleet where you can have a good time and help others or be helped with wichever problem you may have , then Taskforce Echo is a place for you. Casual & fun.

      With regards ,

      Fleet Personal Council

  8. So I just scouted out Bloodbath and Beyond.

    The good: their name is Bloodbath and Beyond. Seriously, my brother wants to join them based on that fact alone. They seem very communicative and friendly. Their 3 leaders have been together for the better part of a decade. Fleet provisioning access is easy to achieve. Vent server.

    The bad: Only about 160 people, half of them are inactive. Only tier 3 starbase. No real Fed affiliate. No website.

  9. kdf fleet - Shadow Empire - Fleet Lvl 16

    400 active players - active within last month since they do clean their roster. (20 online has been the least I have seen)

    Emabassy is complete
    StarBase is T4 complete with a push for T5 military (208k/250k)

    250,000 contrib for fleet provisioned access
    (took me >4 days watching for projects)

    Bank access is pretty much none existant, this is not an issue with them as they do not seem to cater to noobs much.

    They have a Fed side and reserve fleets for inactive alts
    Alliance chat channel "Shadow Fleet"

    Very active and constantly teaming, sending bridge invites for special doff missions, doing stfs, episodes, etc...

    Owner is very active and has over 4mil in contribs, several others have very high contribs as well which helps me feel the fleet is not a turn around one scamming new members.

    All things in consideration, I like what I see


    1. forget to list

    2. Worth mentioning is that reserve fleets are low lvl and contribs to those offer access to main fleets stores, so no one needs to worry about not having the chance to donate.

    3. I like the sound of it.. seems pretty organized.. let's go with this one.. I haven't been with a fleet since I left mr. Tyrant.. and it's lonely out in space.. and cold...


  10. Legion of Proteus

    fed fleet is at t5
    KDF is t4
    Rom is working T1

    just a bit of info
    they had a little problem with one of there leader he kick people off for no reasion,but there founder of the fleet kick him of and invite everyone back

    they have lots of players online
